Level 1 - 13
Adults Exams


At Your First Dance Co (YFDC), We offer tap exams for our students who wish to continue to develop their skills and create an excellent foundation in tap.

Using the Glenn Wood Tap Syllabus, our students attend a weekly class to learn and perfect each grade before sitting an annual exam. 

Exams are compulsory for our Elite students and soloist but are also available for our recreation students including adults. 

Our teachers are highly trained in the syllabus and attend workshops with the creators of GWT to ensure we are always offering the most up to date version and able to teach all students and enable them to strive for success year after year. 

Our track record for our exam students is among one of the highest available with our students continually receiving above 97% for their exams. YFDC has had two students score 100% in its years of teaching the syllabus.

All students who wish to sit exams will require Slicks tap shoes as recommended by GWT and attend class in appropriate dance wear (YFDC Shirt & Black Shorts or Tights) and hair neatly in a pony or bun. 

If you or your child is interested in enrolling in our exam classes please chat with our friendly staff today to discuss which grade would be best to start your GWT journey.

Please get in touch with us for further information and pricing.